Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Days...

There I was this afternoon, minding my own business (sort-of), wandering through Kingston- upon-Thames, doing some chores and enjoying the gorgeous July weather... Who should I spot at the local WH Smith's (a large-ish branch of popular UK newsagent and bookstore chain) but the Fonz himself! 

I was intrigued (although I knew he was in London from several news stories floating-about, today and yesterday) so I followed the crowd  - not my usual style - and discovered Henry Winkler aka Fonzie looking well and happy, signing his Hank Zipzer collection of children's books.  They're based upon his experience with dyslexia - at school - the poor way he was treated and how he overcame the lowly forecasts for his future.  His books look appealing, eye-catching and well-written, entertaining for his new young audience and reassuring for their parents.  

There was quite a queue to see elegant, grey-haired Fonzie, as he sat with an iced coffee, to cool and revive him - surrounded by his books, photographers and store staff.  He appeared to be enjoying the whole thing as much as those keenly waiting to see him.  He was adorable with all the children, totally natural with no  airs-and-graces; equally as charming with their adult companions - who were more likely to be his fans from when his TV career was at its height.  It was heart-warming - Happy Days, indeed!


hayjane said...

Blimey, he really did get around yesterday! I saw him here:


and I also read in one of the newspapers that he stopped off at the Wimbledon tournament as well!

arlene k said...

Good for him! He seemed to be enjoying himself and his fans (young and old-er) loved him back...

Anonymous said...

I would be stoked to meet the Fonz.