Friday, March 14, 2008

size zero - modern hero?

Is your life dominated by a never-ending quest to be as slender and gorgeous as possible? You're not alone, today's celeb culture distorts the truth and brainwashes us into thinking that extreme slenderity is the ultimate aim. I've worked in the fashion industry and as a health and beauty editor; I'm an ex-anorexic so I've been there too... Today, as part of the Madonna generation, I'm in good nick (mostly!), a healthy, petite UK size 6-8 and no longer obsessed. (Although - take heed - the state of my bones bears witness to some of my past 'extremes')...

If I can prevent one person from succumbing to the 'brainwashing' and resultant damaging effects of unrealistic, distorted images, then I'll be content. Take a reality check and be assured that most models and celebs are air-brushed into within an inch of their lives - what you see is not the absolute truth. Aspiring to that 'perfection' can only bring pain and suffering. True, some of us are blessed genetically and naturally have a pre-disposition to staying slim. Bear in mind though that drugs - of all types - are rife in the 'aspirational' industries and long-term they'll do you no favours. Take many models as a typical case in point. Yes, they look superficially good and might have mega-million dollar contracts but look closer and surely, for many, their lives - beneath the surface - are evidence to the fact that there is something lacking. Close-up it's often clear that they aren't the pure paragons of all things beautiful and perfect - in every respect - they're real with human blemishes and imperfections; un-air-brushed shots provide the evidence. Remember that they are paid a fortune for the impossible truth of their look and the way they 'live' - and tragically sometimes die - in pursuit of that 'achievement'...

True beauty is far from superficial and not simply a reflection of the surface. It comes from within too. If you experience optimum health from a holistic perspective, with happy, balanced thoughts, good wholesome nutrition and lifestyle habits, it will shine through. It's not a matter of being as thin as possible. Look at how ideas of perfection and good looks have metamorphosed through the ages. We all have a slightly different, individual chemical make-up and an exact prescription for what suits one is not a universal ideal; it won't appeal to, or be right for, everyone. Individuality is part of life's rich tapestry and can be a great joy. Try really tuning into and listening to your body's needs; when you do, you'll find the diet and lifestyle that is right for you. You and your body will know it; you'll reap the rewards in terms of health, happiness, beauty, vibrancy, vitality and joy!

1 comment:

Luca said...

wonderful blog. Inciteful and with a tone of authority. Well said.