Thursday, December 31, 2009

First Kiss for a Happy New Year

Wishing you an (early) bright and happy start to the New Year - by way of W. Bougereau's 1890 il Primo Bacio (otherwise known as l'Amour et Psyché).

Brings back happy memories, for me, of wandering the cobbled streets of Citta di Castello (where I was studying Italian a few years ago) when I purchased this lovely (post card) image from the Duomo shop. Tanti Auguri! Buon Capodanno!

PS image in the public domain - see Wikimedia Commons - as the copyright has expired.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Buon anno a te dalla Sicilia.

arlene k said...

Grazie mille! I wish you continued happiness in your beautiful setting. I'll dream that I'm enjoying your temperate climate rather than my current fffrrrozen one...