Friday, April 16, 2010

Quotes of the Day...

It was a curious one, yesterday, unprecedented in the UK, on two levels:  first, the dramatic implications of the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud - halting all air travel in our vicinity.  Those who ranted about not being able to travel might better understand the safety concerns, if they had read London's Metro newspaper.  Captain Eric Moody was piloting for British Airways in Indonesia, in 1982.  All four engines scarily came to a halt - thanks to a cloud of volcanic ash, emanating from Mount Galunggung.  Captain Moody kept his calm but later described the experience as, (according to Thursday's Metro), "a bit like negotiating one's way up a badger's arse". 

Earlier in the day, I had to smile, while listening to BBC London Radio's Breakfast Show. A Financial Times journalist reviewing the day's papers, referred to the PM (or was it the Tory leader?), inadvertently, as 'Gordon Cameron'!  Perhaps that goes part way to explaining why Nick Clegg came out top of the political TV first, last night...


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, amethyst. I was thinking the same... People are reacting as if they WANT to fly through that dust! Love the "Gordon Cameron" bit - perhaps you're right!

arlene k said...

It might be frustrating not to be able to fly but therein lies madness...

I've been rooting for Nick for a long while, he and Vince Cable demonstrate the most sincerity and greatest reasoning... what has frustrated me are those who say "there's no point in voting Lib Dem 'cos they won't get in..." Hmmm... Of course, I realise reality may never live up to expectations...